These items are brand new, but out of the package. Someone had bought them for a Bold 2 but they ofcourse were the wrong items. They are made for the Javelin as I said before. These fit much better than the rubber skins as they don't stretch over time. Both items have a nice pattern thing on the back that adjusts with the light. It makes for a nice touch. Both also feature the words 'Blackberry' and the logo on the back.
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
Price: $900 for both. Items will not be sold separately.
Call or Text: 386-66542 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both
2 BB Javelin 8900 plastic cases: $900 for both