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December 04, 2024, 03:45:42 AM
1156270 Posts in 517520 Topics by 46910 Members
Latest Member: Supreme1Don

ShopinJA Classifieds

ShopinJA Rating System - Detailed Feedback
Detailed Comment Initially I contact him after seeing an advert saying he could fix any phone. I called his # and then we made arrangements for him to see the device. After he saw the device and did his analysis it became evident that the phone had major probs. I then decided to part with the device because it seemed like too much of a hassle to fix. I asked him to value the phone and he did then I ask him to make me an offer and after negotiations he told me he would provide the money the following day so as promised he called and I went and picked up the funds. He seems to be a very honest and strait forward person and as a result I will certainly be doing business with him again
Comment by: ocase
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