I have some parts i acquired to do a few builds but have decided to offer the parts for sale as time does not permit me to build now.
All parts are in good working condition. Some are new and others do not have more than 1000 miles on them .
aem boost guage and aem wideband
aem boost guage and aem wideband
silver 44mm tial wastegate $30000
aem boost guage and aem wideband
aem boost guage and aem wideband
red 44mm tila wastegate $35000
red tial bov $24000
aem boost guage and aem wideband
aem boost guage and aem wideband
purple tial bov $24000
aem boost guage and aem wideband
aem wideband (new) $24000
aem boost guage and aem wideband
aem digital boost guage(new) $22000