Feature your post and Rise above the rest by making it a Sticky,..Sticky posts are pinned and will permanently be on top of all other posts in each respective Category.
Making your post a Sticky should prove to give your item(s) much more visibility thus leading to faster turn around times/sales,..
See Pic Below for examples of Sticky Post..
Rise Above the Rest - Sticky/Feature Your Post [Paid]
Pricing Details per/Sticky- One (1) Day Sticky - $400- One (1) Week Sticky - $2000 (Comes with Free Instagram + Facebook + Twitter Blast)- One (1) Month Sticky - $8000 (Comes With Free Instagram + Facebook + Twitter Blast + a Free* 180 x 80 Static Banner)-- Payments Can be Made Via PayPal or Scotia Online/Direct Bank Deposit -- Payment For a One (1) Day Sticky can be Made Via Digicel Credit.
To book your Sticky or if you require any more info Please Send a Personal Message
You can Also Email: advertising@shopinja.com---