ShopinJA Classifieds

$ ShopinJA Auto $ => Auto Parts - Auto Services Offered/Wanted => Topic started by: agam1 on March 13, 2019, 09:45:28 AM

Title: Parts wanted for 1996 Toyota Townace
Post by: agam1 on March 13, 2019, 09:45:28 AM
The following parts are needed for a 1996 Toyota Townace:

1. The Left Sliding Door Center Roller (upper)
2. Hinges for the back door
3. Working AC Evaporator Core

Whatsapp me at 5658942 if you have any.

Title: Re: Parts wanted for 1996 Toyota Townace
Post by: agam1 on March 26, 2019, 12:49:11 PM