Title: LG V35 THINQ AVAILABLE. WHATSAPP 508-5913 Post by: EL-BOSS on November 23, 2018, 09:58:03 AM LG V35 THINQ AVAILABLE, 10/10 NEW.
GOING CHEAP. NEGOTIABLE. TAKING OFFERS!!!! WHATSAPP 508-5913 or send me msg here. You will get Fast Charger, Charging USB Type-C Cable, Original LG Earphones, Warranty Card/Book, Screen Protector and Anti-Shock Proof Case (optional). NB: The phone values more than 30k people. Please no f**kery offers. Thank You. Location: Kingston / St. Andrew / HWT / CROSS ROADS :th: :tup: :tup: :sh: :sh: |