Title: Toshiba Satellite P755 With Core i7 - 30k Negotiable Post by: leotha on November 02, 2018, 11:13:58 PM Toshiba
Satellite P755-S5259 Size: 15.6" Processor: Core i7 Octa Core Ram: Selling with 4gb ddr3 Hard Drive: 320gb Equipped with compatible but non original keyboard (the original keyboard has backlight, but was changed because some keys were damaged. An original keyboard can be bought and used to replace the current keyboard) Cons: 1.Battery not good 2. Originally had 4 USBs (2 on board and 2 on a separate board connected via a ribbon (all in the case of course)) - one of the on board USBs was damaged and the 2 off the main board are providing power but no connectivity. Leaving on 1 working USB 3.0. Price: $30,000 Slightly Negotiable Call or Whatsapp: 876-347-8852 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Toshiba Satellite P755 With Core i7 - 33k Negotiable Post by: leotha on November 06, 2018, 11:20:42 PM :Bump:
Title: Re: Toshiba Satellite P755 With Core i7 - 33k Negotiable Post by: leotha on November 15, 2018, 07:13:41 PM :Bump: