Title: PS3 Game Cheap!!! Post by: ULTRA on April 25, 2010, 11:10:18 AM NBA 08 - $2500 (NEGOTIABLE). (Will trade for another PS3 game. and pay the difference if your games costs more than this.) Post what you have. :wait:
(http://www.myps3.com.au/img/game/NBA-08-1.jpg) CALL ME: (284-0768) Jagz Title: Re: PS3 Game Cheap!!! Post by: rickeystar99 on April 25, 2010, 06:58:37 PM will u trade for resistance 1 call or text 450 5489
Title: Re: PS3 Game Cheap!!! Post by: ULTRA on April 26, 2010, 09:21:33 AM it was good doing business with u bro. :2t: :2t: :2t: :2t: