Title: 16' Rims and maxxi tyres Post by: cushni876 on June 26, 2018, 10:39:40 AM 205 50 16 tyres for sale 2 front tyres brand new I upgraded to 17' rims after buy new tyre to find out rims weren't good
2 front tyres paid 21500 looking to sell for 19500 neg 2 back 11/2 year old selling 4000 each U can get rims for 8000 they can be repaired Title: Re: 16' Rims and maxxi tyres Post by: Veilside tech on June 26, 2018, 08:23:19 PM Send pics of rims to 375-8280
Title: Re: 16' Rims and maxxi tyres Post by: KrisMic on June 26, 2018, 10:45:22 PM Message me a picture of the rims