Title: FS - 17x8.5 JNC JNC004 004 4x100/4x114.3 Silver Machine Post by: Evokillah on June 23, 2018, 09:15:03 AM As mentioned in topic. Have these Rims selling. Bought brand new in box and used for only two (2) months as weekend driver.
Perfect condition. No bends/scratches/welds. Price 70k. 527-6014 Pic (https://preview.ibb.co/iVZ7S8/20180120_140013.jpg) Title: Re: FS - 17x8.5 JNC JNC004 004 4x100/4x114.3 Silver Machine Post by: Evokillah on July 08, 2018, 10:20:00 PM :Bump: