Title: 17" and 14" CRT Monitor for SALE 5K O.N.O for both Post by: jellobello on April 06, 2012, 01:44:02 PM As the topic states, I have a 17 inch and a 14 inch fat back monitors for sale!
TAKE THEM BOTH OFF MY HANDS FOR $5,000 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED, MUST GO NOW!!! Selling the both of them together Both are working perfectly. Call: 367-4724 Title: Re: 17 inch and 14 inch Fat Back Monitor for SALE Post by: onlineexplorer on April 10, 2012, 10:04:47 AM could give u 2900 for the 14inch and 4k for the 17 inch
Title: Re: 17 inch and 14 inch Fat Back Monitor for SALE Post by: jellobello on April 10, 2012, 01:58:04 PM Ok, Bossy You got yourself a deal....call me to arrange pickup and lets close the deal...
Title: Re: 17 inch and 14 inch Fat Back Monitor for SALE Post by: jellobello on May 02, 2012, 02:27:07 PM PRICE DROP for the monitors
17" & 14" for $5,000 Great Deal, First come...first serve |