Title: used laptop in good condition and better battery life Post by: dj saint on April 17, 2010, 03:33:59 PM ok peoples must be dual core
80gb hdd and over 1gig ram and over must be between 24-27k contact 8415041 call or leave text or even send a please call me. needed by monday Title: Re: used laptop in good condition and better battery life Post by: kevin1386 on April 17, 2010, 03:57:39 PM :cr:
Title: Re: used laptop in good condition and better battery life Post by: keddy on May 11, 2010, 07:13:57 PM Hp pavilion dv4-1430us
$60,000 mint condition 859-8595 Have Pic's here: (http://s3.postimage.org/SghgJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqSghgJ) (http://s3.postimage.org/SgjLS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqSgjLS) (http://s3.postimage.org/Sgmg0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqSgmg0) (http://s3.postimage.org/SgoL9.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqSgoL9) (http://s3.postimage.org/Sgrfi.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqSgrfi) (http://s3.postimage.org/SgtKr.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqSgtKr) Title: Re: used laptop in good condition and better battery life Post by: Mr Paclick on May 25, 2010, 10:31:39 PM hp pavilion dv 5000
6-in-1 media card reader 1 GB memory 80GB hardDrrive gud condition gud working laptop price 27k contact>>> 4865184 |