Title: Early 2011 MacBook Pro (J$90,000) ONO Post by: chibitwah on January 16, 2018, 09:39:45 AM Condition: 9.9/10
Specifications: 8GB DDR3 Ram (Upgradable to 16GB) Intel Core i7 Processor 256 GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD (Internal) Comes with two (2) charging bricks. A brand new 60W MagSafe and a used 85W MagSafe. Contact: 804-9732 Location: Kingston Reason for selling: Got another Mac. As you can see, this one was my main workhorse running Adobe Audition, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Illustrator & Photoshop. I had two (2) 8GB Ram memory in the machine, but one was bad, so currently it's running 8GB only. The other 8GB stick was ordered and is on its way. I'd have it installed at no additional cost, which in effect you would have a 16GB machine working with. [attachment deleted by admin] |