Title: Used Samsung Netbook for sale / trade Post by: kev007_2002 on March 23, 2012, 10:15:21 AM hey all, gots here a Samsung N145Plus
here is the review for it http://www.mobilemag.com/2011/02/14/...us-netbook-pc/ Specs: 160Gb Hd 2gb Ram (upgraded from the stock 1gb) Webcam SD Card slot 3 USB ports RJ-45 Port vga out port Comes with Laptop, charger, sleeve, genuine Windows 7 Starter preinstalled, Genuine Office 2010 starter installed Going for the price of $27k NEGO OR willing to take a trade for a tablet (BB playbook or Android based) call and let me know what you have link up on 3538447 Title: Re: Used Samsung Netbook for sale / trade Post by: kev007_2002 on March 26, 2012, 12:51:07 PM :Bump: :Bump: