Title: KICKER SPEAKERS IN BOX...no longer for sale/trade Post by: c@rzrus on September 06, 2017, 08:03:52 PM 10"
KICKER Comp subwoofers. 2 speakers are in box, but one needs repair around edge, so you buy 2 (well, 1.5 ;D) for the price of 1 Bought them from some1 reputable on WJ while I was trying to build a sound system, but can't handle that kind of size in my boot :nono: Would trade for EK Civic front bumper lip, etc 460-1141 for more details and to make offer. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: KICKER SPEAKERS IN BOX Post by: c@rzrus on September 13, 2017, 11:02:30 PM :Bump: