Title: LF: 4GB DDR3 Ram w I3 Processor w heat sink + M. Board Post by: F.I.@4G Racing on August 23, 2017, 04:37:05 PM Need this at the very least!!! or if u have better!!!
Preferably New 1) 4GB DDR3 RAM 2) Intel I3 Processor with heat sink 3) Mother Board that compatible to the things above. Send me a pm with prices, msg here or call 419-9665 Title: Re: LF: 4GB DDR3 Ram w I3 Processor w heat sink + M. Board Post by: LiquidGZy on August 31, 2017, 11:43:52 AM I have the DD3 RAM , but not the other components. $2,000.
Title: Re: LF: 4GB DDR3 Ram w I3 Processor w heat sink + M. Board Post by: yless on September 07, 2017, 12:18:06 PM I have the RAM.