Title: Lanzar competition amps Post by: Portmore Pawn on June 24, 2017, 12:45:53 PM 700 RMS X 2
use play two 15" mid bass (18 sound with 4 JBL Tweeters) that is how power full it is anyways selling it for $50,000. it cost way more so its a deal we lcoated at portmore pawn shop (delivery available) call us at 455-0915 or 498-3321 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Lanzar competition amps Post by: stulla876 on June 24, 2017, 03:11:38 PM :ls: :rofl: :eek: :gw: :fie: :gw:..seriously though yall need to research these amps before you make your prices..i have a Lanzar Opti Drive 2000x1 that i got for 30k