Title: MacBook Pro 15inch - Early 2008 (A1260) take a look!!! Post by: Supreme_being on May 19, 2017, 07:57:12 PM contact: 8916954 via call, text or whatsapp
location: portmore only A very pleasant day viewers. I have with me a MacBook Pro 15inch early 2008 (A1260). This lovely device has back-lit keyboard,120GB hard drive, Bluetooth capability, built-in webcam, 4GB of RAM installed and has a max ram capacity of 8GB. The condition of the device is 8/10 because of few minor scratches, however it is fully functional otherwise. It's running Windows 7 ultimate via "BOOTCAMP" the reason for this is because I didn't had or know anyone who has Mac OS X installation disk. Furthermore, This device has a "5.2" rating in Windows clearly outlining that it's FAST!!! Selling for 30k [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: MacBook Pro 15inch - Early 2008 (A1260) take a look!!! Post by: Supreme_being on May 23, 2017, 12:56:03 PM ..