Title: MacBook Air 2014 Model A1466 Post by: pfjunlocker on May 04, 2017, 04:57:54 PM View Pics: https://www.facebook.com/phonefreedom/photos/pcb.1341900369235953/1341899972569326/?type=3&theater
MacBook Air, Model A1466, Year 2014. Updated to the latest OSX. Condition: Almost New/Mint/10/10/Immaculate. Going for 75K or Best Offer. This is a must have!!! Cash and Debit Card Payment Only. Contact: http://FaceBook.com/PhoneFreedom https://plus.google.com/+PhoneFreedomKingston -We ship islandwide. -We do unlocking and repairs Located at: Phone Freedom Shop #22, Central Plaza, 15 Constant Spring Road, H.W.T, Kingston 10. 926-7434 or 537-1701 (Also Whatsapp) BBM PIN: 7F163891 (Direction: The same plaza as Spencer's Tailoring, Pablo's and Ping's Fabrics.) Title: Re: MacBook Air 2014 Model A1466 Post by: pfjunlocker on June 16, 2017, 01:24:14 PM :Bump: