Title: Sony Vaio Flip 14 Laptop: Touchscreen w/ Pen Digitizer Post by: Hilton on May 03, 2017, 06:16:30 PM Like New Sony Vaio Flip 14:
This is both a laptop and a tablet. With one flick of a switch it converts to a full tablet. Issue: Fell today and there is a small black spot in the top right hand corner of screen MAKE AN OFFER CALL: 382-6246 Colour: Black, Oxidized slim aluminium finish 8gb ram i7 processor 256gb ssd Touch screen+Active Digitizer+Stylus (You can take handwritten notes within all applications that allow e.g. All Microsoft Office applications) These handwritten notes can be converted to text. You can also draw etc. Loud speakers 2mp HD webcam Ethernet NFC Bluetooth HDMI 2 high speed USB ports Excellent battery life |