Title: learn to swim fast /learn to become a lifeguard Post by: moseshayles on March 28, 2017, 07:39:02 PM swimfast
location Kingston Ymca / National Stadium Swimfast has up to 6 coaches for different level of teaching and training beginners children and adults from age 4 up price from $350 to $700 per hr Saturday and Sunday morning and evening classes weekly YMCA front office otherwise private lessons arrangements can be done. pool parties pricing from $1500 per hr beach events more info when contact us Advance technique corrections endurance diving tips and guides Lifeguard training Swimfast lifeguard program First Aid CPR Lifesaving endurance techniques swim fast helps you to achieve these Certification listed below Certification done by YMCA at the office after exams Certification done by Nepa royal lifesaver Certification done by Redcross work and travel to the Usa or Canada Certification done by NEPA government license to work legally in Jamaica lifeguard training is from $1200 up to $6000 monthly every Saturday or Sunday Swimfast coaches Jamaica National Coach Teddy hayles Mr Thomas Coach Moses hayles Coach Prince Coach Mikel Coach David more information contact us 3637651whatsapp or 8668613 coach moses 3666071 coach Thomas Title: Re: learn to swim fast /learn to become a lifeguard Post by: moseshayles on June 03, 2017, 05:25:25 PM :Bump: