Title: samsung on7 Post by: lindo soprano on March 07, 2017, 04:09:51 PM :H: :H: :H: :H: :H: :H:
need a samsung on7 screen (phone is gold colored) need it asap...inbox for further contact Title: Re: samsung on7 Post by: pfjunlocker on March 07, 2017, 05:46:48 PM :H: :H: :H: :H: :H: :H: need a samsung on7 screen (phone is gold colored) need it asap...inbox for further contact We can 'Special Order' this item for you. The process will take two weeks. Contact us if you are interested. Contact: http://FaceBook.com/PhoneFreedom https://plus.google.com/+PhoneFreedomKingston -We ship islandwide. -We do unlocking and repairs Located at: Phone Freedom Shop #22, Central Plaza, 15 Constant Spring Road, H.W.T, Kingston 10. 926-7434 or 537-1701 (Also Whatsapp) BBM PIN: 7F163891 (Direction: The same plaza as Spencer's Tailoring, Pablo's and Ping's Fabrics.) NB: Debit and Credit Cards are accepted for all products and services. Paypal payment is accepted for some services. |