Title: Ford Fiesta Front Struts Shocks 2011-2013 $8000ea Post by: scubaman on February 14, 2017, 07:04:37 PM For Sale:
1 pair FORD FIESTA Struts / Shocks. Fits 2011-2013 These are original OEM FORD Struts. I bought these by mistake and found out a little too late that they were not the correct ones for my car. After the springs were transferred was when we realized that the base was different [wallbash]. My loss your gain. Call 278-9738 MOTORCRAFT AST905 {#BE8Z18124A} MOTORCRAFT AST906 {#BE8Z18124B} (http://scuba-jamaica.com/images/forum_photos/ford_fiesta_struts1.jpg) (http://scuba-jamaica.com/images/forum_photos/ford_fiesta_struts2.jpg) Title: Re: Ford Fiesta Front Struts Shocks 2011-2013 $8000ea Post by: scubaman on March 24, 2019, 08:13:17 PM :Bump: