Title: Executing a Successful Online Job Search Post by: ShopinJA.com on January 12, 2009, 09:30:31 PM Did you know?
1. Among jobseekers under 35, nearly 40 percent spend 2+ hours per day searching online. 2. Nearly 1 in 3 workers (32%) who are currently employed are spending at least an hour a day online in job searches. 3. One of 10 online jobseekers search for 4+ hours per day. (Source - Career Builder) Are these statistics representative of your online job search? Consider these internet strategies to make the most of your job search online: 1. Manage your time. Set a timer set for every 20 minutes. It is so easy to go off task as you follow the blinking cursor when you are searching online. 2. Always keep your online communication professional. Do not think that online means that text messaging lingo is appropriate. 3. Personal contacts are still important; follow up with an email when possible. It is so easy today to find out the name of specific HR managers, it is possible to still add persona to your search. 4. Follow the employer's or the job board instructions for uploading your resume. Some employers even give instructions on font size etc. 5. Instead of just heading straight for the application, research the company first. Title: Re: Executing a Successful Online Job Search Post by: Stuward on November 25, 2013, 06:07:35 AM Thanks for sharing your ideas..A lot of people really like the idea of starting their own business. However there are quite a few things that you are going to want to think about before you decide to just jump in and get started.
Taking a little bit of time and thinking it through before you start your business will save you a lot of hassles in the future. It might even save you from starting a business that has no hope of success. One of the great benefits of starting a business from home is that the start up costs are fairly small but that doesn't mean that you can ignore them.actually i am doing online business by reselling domain name,hosting plans,etc..So i don't have any issuess ,i got reselling account from GoResellers.com (http://www.goresellers.com) by registering for pro reseller plan .and i am getting commission from goresellers.Its is also not necessary to be online all the time . we could also do this as a part time. Hope this is informative. Thank you :) |