Title: Lenovo - IdeaPad 100s 11.6" Chromebook 15,000 Post by: darkleer on December 12, 2016, 10:46:07 AM chromebook like new for sale
very light and extremely thin perfect to carry around and read books, edit documents watch videos on the go can fit in a folder in your bag no booting and loading - starts instantly only 11,000 text or whatsapp 8666854 video of laptop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9paCccF4HpQ Specs Lenovo - IdeaPad 100s 11.6" Chromebook - Intel Celeron - 2GB Memory - 16GB eMMC Flash Memory - Black Title: Re: Lenovo - IdeaPad 100s 11.6" Chromebook 15,000 Post by: darkleer on December 17, 2016, 07:44:53 PM :Bump:
Title: Re: Lenovo - IdeaPad 100s 11.6" Chromebook 15,000 Post by: darkleer on March 01, 2017, 09:12:39 AM :Bump: