Title: ITS EASY, ITS SIMPLE, ITS ..... Post by: dre_troy on June 28, 2016, 06:42:42 PM ORGANO GOLD COFFEE, HOT CHOCOLATE & GREEN TEA
1. Black Coffee.............$4,500.00 (30 sachets in box) 2. Cafe Latte...............$4,500.00 (20 sachets in box) 3. Cafe Supreme ............$4,500.00 (20 sachets in box) 4. Cafe Mocha...............$5,000.00 (15 sachets in box) 5. Hot chocolate............$5,000.00 (15 sachets in box) 6. Green Tea................$5,500.00 (25 sachets in box) 7. King of Coffee...........$6,000.00 (25 sachets in box) What makes ORGANO products so special? :pon: A little-known ingredient known as GANODERMA LUCIDUM (REISHI) :eye: GANODERMA LUCIDUM (REISHI) is a natural source of many useful bio-chemicals which provides a number of health benefits to our body without interfering with our body system. Filled with many antioxidants and phytonutrients, Ganoderma Lucidum is the closest thing to nutritional perfection found in nature. :cof: SOME Benefits of the Miraculous “King of Herbs” :cof: • Provides more energy and vigor! • Boosts stamina! (Less fatigue) • Rejuvenates! • Clearer skin • Oxygenates body! • Natural detoxification! • Mental alertness! • Supports the immune system • Improve body healing capacity! • Supports quality of sleep • Supports circulation • Weight Loss My replacated Website( WWW.HENRYSCAFE1.MYORGANOGOLD.COM ) has my contact information. If you become a preferred customer, you will get the products at wholesale price. Distribution center in Jamaica is located at 6 Belmont Road, Kingston 5. To learn about this business or for those who need some extra cash or for those who need to be their own boss and who are fed up of working for other people, :kik: :kik: search in youtube for these two videos below : The Coffee That Pays 3 - Organo Gold (English) The Coffee that Pays - Organo Gold Business Presentation And you may listen to Millionaire Mentorship Archived Calls at Millionaire Mentorship - Organo Gold (http://www.organogold.com/millionaire-mentorship/) Scroll down and click on May 22 2016 (ENGLISH). This is another Jamaican. If you need a change in your life just listen... Don't miss out on this opportunity. Contact me for a sample sachet. |