Title: Refurbished Dell D600 Laptop- JMD $25,967.50 Post by: Buywise Jamaica on January 20, 2012, 03:53:55 PM Dell D600- JMD $25,967.50
1.60 Gig Pentium M processor 512 Mega Bites RAM 40 Gig harddrive Wifi Play DVD CD XP Pro 14.1 inch screen Contact Info buywisejamaica@yahoo.com http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buywise-Jamaica-Limited/254089754655437 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buywise-Jamaica-Limited/254089754655437) 1876-754-3700 1876-466-9965 Show room- 18 South Avenue, Kingston 10 Title: Re: Refurbished Dell D600 Laptop- JMD $25,967.50 Post by: The Black Box on January 20, 2012, 04:13:12 PM bro only someone who is crazy would give you 25k for 512mb.
ppl here selling the same laptop with 1gb for 15k and also it has a burner and 80gb driver. please review your price Title: Re: Refurbished Dell D600 Laptop- JMD $25,967.50 Post by: dj saint on January 21, 2012, 12:40:11 PM :cen: the machine 10 years old. :wtf:
Title: Re: Refurbished Dell D600 Laptop- JMD $25,967.50 Post by: The Black Box on January 21, 2012, 12:47:34 PM samething me tell di man
Title: Re: Refurbished Dell D600 Laptop- JMD $25,967.50 Post by: jamjosef on January 21, 2012, 11:12:30 PM looking at price and machine...lol
ppl looking at this will pree his name and do as it say i personally have a d610 with 1GB ram and i wouldnt sell that for more than 15k Title: Re: Refurbished Dell D600 Laptop- JMD $25,967.50 Post by: d_genius on January 21, 2012, 11:24:21 PM Well him sign up the other day so him nuh too realise that ppl on here just dont but things cause they in good condition but because of the specs mainly and funny enough someone wud still but it for that price if they know nothing about laptops.