Title: AE110 PARTS SALE OUT Post by: wizzard on April 05, 2016, 11:58:58 AM Have the following parts from a 2000 AE110 Toyota Corolla
5A engine - $50,000 Transmission - $50,000 Transmission Shifter - $8,000 5A Wireloom - $5,000 5A computor - $8,000 5A map sensor $5,000 Power steering pump - $7,000 Full set of seats ( excellent condition) $25,000 Set of 440cc injectors (side feed) $8,000 Contact 378-8574 or 389-9850 Nah hold nuh price... I DONT need these parts. If you want everything we can reach a reasoanable price Title: Re: AE110 PARTS SALE OUT Post by: wizzard on April 07, 2016, 08:46:40 PM Need the space right about now...
Would tek $130,000 for everything... Excluding the 440cc injectors Title: Re: AE110 PARTS SALE OUT Post by: wizzard on April 15, 2016, 11:18:28 AM Seats and interior gone....
Engine , Transmission , etc left........ carry $100,000 and come tek everything else. Dont need it nah hold nuh price. |