Title: HDMI Spitter/switch/amplifier $2900 Post by: Zodaz on April 04, 2016, 09:10:11 AM Have some HDMI HDMI Repeater selling, it converts one HDMI output to two outputs and amplifies the signal so you can get good signal strength with longer cables.
Unlike some cheaper repeaters/splitters you can have both tvs on at the same time. Feature: * Brand New & High Quality * HDMI Amplifier 1 X2 Female Splitter * Enjoy 2 HDMI displays from 1 HDMI source with this splitter * 3D Compatible Specifications: 1. Input Video Signal: 0.5 -1.0 volts p-p 2. Input DDC Signal: 5 volts p-p (TTL) 3. Max Single Link Range: 1920X1080, 1080P 4. Output Video: HDMI 1.3 + HDCP1.0/1.1/1.2 5. Resolutions DTV/HDTV: 480p/576i/576p/720p/1080i/1080P 6. HDMI Version: HDMI 1.3 7. Operating Frequency: Up to 225MHz 8. EIDI Duration: 4 seconds 9. Power supply: DC 5V (http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4VIAAOSwys5WVBBx/s-l500.jpg) Call 550-6073 Kingston Title: Re: HDMI Spitter/switch/amplifier $2900 Post by: Zodaz on April 25, 2016, 09:58:30 AM :Bump: