ShopinJA Classifieds

$ ShopinJA General Classifieds $ => Hobbies - Reading/Recreation - Fitness => Topic started by: allwheel on February 17, 2016, 04:00:49 AM

Title: 6.5 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch Self Balancing Scooter
Post by: allwheel on February 17, 2016, 04:00:49 AM
Buy scooters / skateboard at AllWheel
Ranging from JMD$9,999 - JMD$19,999

Now available:
Sipole Handbar scooter with remote F1
Black + Red, White + Blue, White + Red
Transformers 6.5 inch hoverboard white
6.5 inch smart balance wheel white
6-5 inch smart balance wheel blue
6-5 inch smart balance wheel black
6-5 inch smart balance wheel gold
8 inch smart balance wheel with bluetooth speaker blue
8 inch smart balance wheel with bluetooth speaker white
10 inch self balancing scooter graffit
10 inch self balancing scooter hi-pop dance
electric skateboard s1 green hornet
electric skateboard s1 england flag
smart scooter s1 black
electric bluetooth music speaker skateboard s12
electric skateboard s1 orange blue
electric skateboard s10 with remote

Contact as follows for purchase:

AllWheel. Balance you need

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