Title: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on December 25, 2011, 02:58:59 PM Built this for brethren at work... he said it is too big but he wanted a big rig... :-\
- Dual Xeon E5345 Quad Cores (8 x 2.33GHz, 8MB L2 cache each chip) - 16GB DDR2 667 Quad Channel FB-Dimm (8 ram slots) - 1000GB (1TB) 4 x 500GB Sata II Seagate Hard Drive on 3wate 9550SXU-12p, raid 10 - Genuine Dell ATI 5770 1GB - 2 x 16x DL DVD-RW - 2 USB front, 5 usb rear, 1 1394 front, 1 1394 rear - Dell 750 watt power supply windows 7 ultimate runs smooth as silk on it... it is also able to do MAC Leopard... so yall wondering what a rig like this will cost... only 50g... PS... the raid card alone is a 100US dollar value... it can achieve throughputs of 800MB/s... tested not theory... (http://www.pacificgeek.com/productimages/xl/PRECISION-690-ISX-R.jpg) Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on December 27, 2011, 12:46:37 AM :Bump:
Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on December 31, 2011, 11:25:28 AM Price drop as I did some minor customization....
NOW 45G... make the link... Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on January 08, 2012, 07:08:48 PM :Bump:
its now back to 50 g... added some stuff.... Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on January 19, 2012, 10:59:00 PM ::: upgraded specs :::
- Dual Xeon E5345 Quad Cores (8 x 2.33GHz, 8MB L2 cache each chip) - 16GB DDR2 667 Quad Channel FB-Dimm (8 ram slots) - 1000GB (1TB) 4 x 500GB Sata II Seagate Hard Drive on 3wate 9550SXU-12p, raid 10 - Genuine Dell ATI 5770 1GB - 2 x 16x DL DVD-RW - 2 USB front, 5 usb rear, 1 1394 front, 1 1394 rear - Dell 750 watt power supply Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on February 01, 2012, 12:00:37 AM :Bump:
This price per specs cannot be beat... nowhere in jamaica... Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: DaChipstar on February 01, 2012, 01:39:09 PM So how comz there is no contact no.?
should be nice for running a server from home. text your # to : 583-9162 plz. Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on February 07, 2012, 12:12:15 AM signature updated...
Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: morfeus on February 08, 2012, 08:03:08 PM i wud use this for average use... wish i had all the funds caus i need a pc fi real.
Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on March 09, 2012, 10:03:37 PM :Bump:
Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: blackmangold200 on March 10, 2012, 02:34:10 PM tell me when the price drop again.
Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: maxfactor on March 10, 2012, 02:50:44 PM price drop 42... ;D
Title: Re: FS: DELL Precision 690 fr MAX - not for the average use Post by: crisisinc on March 20, 2012, 06:34:46 PM :dr: