Title: FS Nismo GT LSD - Pro - Brand New Post by: McFlare on December 10, 2015, 10:12:39 AM NISMO GT LSD - PRO - 38420-RSS20-B5 - SILVIA 180SX SKYLINE GT-R FAIRLADY Z CEFIRO LAUREL STAGEA
Designed as a multipurpose LSD for city driving, with increased power for track or autocross conditions. Constructed with four pinion gears for improved strength ( stock has two pinions ). Plate type 1.5-way LSD can be converted to 2-way LSD. 3 stage intial torque selective can be adjusted without disassembling the LSD Price: $250,000 NEG. Location: Mandeville Contact: 850-0352 (http://image.nengun.com/catalogue/1024x768/nengun-0243-05-nismo-gt_lsd_-_pro.jpg) |