Title: SUBARU JUSTY 1995 ENGINE MOUNTS SCARCE, I NEED THEM Post by: ZJ DAVII on November 03, 2015, 07:51:29 PM Anybody Know anywhere in Kingston that rebuilds car parts? Like Engine mounts???? Contact me at 8589838 or just leave a reply. :H: I want some engine mounts for my 1995 Subaru Justy........Looked on ebay but it seems that none is there....Its the right, left and rear mounts I want.....Please I dont want to anything expensive.....If they can rebuild just let me know or if i can get some at a manageable rate.
Title: Re: SUBARU JUSTY 1995 ENGINE MOUNTS SCARCE, I NEED THEM Post by: gtkilla on November 04, 2015, 12:44:43 AM Try 3616685
+++ Sorry 3716685 Title: Re: SUBARU JUSTY 1995 ENGINE MOUNTS SCARCE, I NEED THEM Post by: ZJ DAVII on November 04, 2015, 11:21:04 PM i cant get through to the person mi boss....any other contact/help?