Title: Prothane Poly Mount 00-05 Mistubishi Eclipse Post by: CeezHype on October 05, 2015, 10:57:23 AM Prothane 00-05 Mitsubishi Eclipse Polyurethane Motor Mount Inserts
Bought a kit and have a few pieces left from it on my Airtrek, not sure what other Mitsubishi it can work on. Contact 375-4595 Location Kgn/Portmore Driver side mount [RHD] 13503 - $4k (https://www.prothanesuspensionparts.com/prodimages/prothane/pr13503_black_lg.png) Back Mount insert [4cyl] 13510 - $2500 (https://www.prothanesuspensionparts.com/prodimages/prothane/pr13510_black_lg.png) Cross member bushing 68127 - $1600 Small bushings in picture (https://www.aftermarketsuspensionparts.com/prodimages/prothane/13507/prothane-13507-large-1.jpg) Title: Re: Prothane Poly Mount 00-05 Mistubishi Eclipse Post by: CeezHype on November 21, 2015, 08:08:18 AM :Bump:
Title: Re: Prothane Poly Mount 00-05 Mistubishi Eclipse Post by: CeezHype on December 14, 2015, 07:51:41 AM :Bump: