Title: SUPER BLUE BRAKING FLUID 4000.00JMD Post by: speedfactor on September 29, 2015, 12:01:52 PM SUPER BLUE BRAKING FLUID 4000.00JMD [/b][/color][/size]The formula offers a minimal drop in boiling point due to outstanding water binding properties resulting in a long-lasting fluid that may not need to be changed for up to 3 years under normal highway driving conditions. Products with a lower wet boiling point have to be replaced considerably more often (e.g., DOT3 products should be replaced annually). The overall high dry and wet boiling points make this fluid an excellent choice for street driven vehicles, too, where brake fluid is flushed less frequently than that in race-driven vehicles. Features/Benefits of ATE TYP 200 Amber Brake Fluid: Boiling point minimum: 536 degrees F Wet boiling point minimum: 388 degrees F Viscosity at -104 degrees F: max 1,400 mm 2/5 Designed to last up to 3 years under normal highway driving conditions (http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h322/brownspeed1/th_FE935EC9-E264-47D0-85FD-C253326842F8_zpssjzxb8tn.jpg) (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/brownspeed1/media/FE935EC9-E264-47D0-85FD-C253326842F8_zpssjzxb8tn.jpg.html) 4000.00JMD PER TIN. CALL/WHATS APP: 1-876-507-7218 Title: Re: SUPER BLUE BRAKING FLUID 4000.00JMD Post by: speedfactor on October 15, 2015, 11:12:28 AM :m: