Title: Garage Clean Out (Low Prices) NISSAN, TOYOTA Post by: frass-ed on September 08, 2015, 09:26:54 AM For Sale:
1: SR20 Intake manifold with injectors, throttle body, intake duct and wire lume for intake manifold - 12k 2: 4WD Gearbox From a Toyota Hiace (3L or 5L) - 48K 3: 4efte Axles With CV Joint (no tripod bearing or cup) - 5K neg 4: 4efte top mounted intercooler $2.5K 5: Toyota Starlet Rear Calipers and rotors - 20K neg. 6: Toyota Starlet Right rear lamp (red and white one) small crack water or moisture does not get in the lamp - $2000 very neg. 7: Toyota Starlet GT rear bumper (small damage to the right rear easy fix) - 9k neg 8: Carburator (i think its from a B13) - $6.5K 9: Ep82 Rack and Pinion: Needs to be resealed (p/s was leaking from the rack end side) - 4k 10: Genuine 4efte plug wires (bearly used engine was just imported) - 5.5k 11: Have Two rear spoiler (dont know what car they came from) - 3k each PICS TO COME DURING THIS WEEK CONTACT NUMBER: 376-1836 |