Title: Honda and other rare parts Post by: johna0 on July 28, 2015, 11:56:11 PM Honda Manual Cluster 7.5k
with besel 9k 2 A/c control complete unit 98-99 7.5k and 6k With 4 way and heater button and loom - 9k A/c control unit 96-98 controls only 3k Strip dash board with vents and support braces 5k bulkhead for ek3 7.5k 96-98 front bumper 8k Ac condensor 7k empty ek3 dash board 1k used seats that need wrapping 3k for the pair Dash board bottom pieces available Other parts available. call or whatsapp 8652501. Prices neg. Title: Re: Honda and other rare parts Post by: johna0 on August 01, 2015, 01:57:55 PM :Bump: