Title: USED SONY VAOI VGN-NS130E Post by: bricknascar on November 14, 2011, 07:54:52 PM condition is well 8/10 can email you pics upon request
this laptop is used of course for couple of months, its almost flawless and retails for $700.00 had on screen protector and the unavaoidable scratches(not really noticeable) on the right and left click buttons. FS for $500.00 Firm!non-negotiable EXCELLENT FOR GAMERS!!(hook up ps3 to this and bam!) Sony VAIO VGN-NS130E Specs (silver) - Laptops - CNET Reviews (http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/sony-vaio-vgn-ns130e/4507-3121_7-33367402.html?tag=mncol;subnav) willing to trade for an ipad 2 (the one that can use sim card) 3g wifi blah blah. contact 3121302 No reasonable offer will be refused Title: Re: USED SONY VAOI VGN-NS130E Post by: jug55 on November 14, 2011, 11:41:56 PM would u trade for a mac ibook g4?
Title: Re: USED SONY VAOI VGN-NS130E Post by: bricknascar on November 15, 2011, 09:45:54 AM :gw:
Title: Re: USED SONY VAOI VGN-NS130E Post by: freeness on November 17, 2011, 08:18:42 PM give u my htc android for it