Title: Quad Core CPU For Sale Post by: dwayneb on November 11, 2011, 11:26:47 AM {CPU ONLY}
Asus Motherboard SLI P5N-E SL, INTEL Quad Core CPU 2.80GZ, 6GB Memory , (Two) 60GB = {120 GB} HD, 1GB Nvidia 9400 graphic card ,tower size casing (Great for gaming and for using as a server) only $50,000 Contract: 1876-861-6281 or Email: Rodriquezsterling@live.com It will be Here on till some Buy's it Title: Re: Quad Core CPU For Sale Post by: Gtech on November 11, 2011, 11:41:56 AM My yute, yuh a sell a system unit, NOT A CPU :wtf: This can be misleading