Title: hp laptop beyond good processor 2.40 ghz 4gb 320 hard drive amd processor Post by: watson on October 31, 2011, 11:33:27 PM the only prob is that the processor uses allot of energy pluss i used to put it on my bed and the heat kind a melted a little part at the left top and the rubbery thing on the bottom come but can be refurbished at this place in half way tree give tthem 6/7 grand and they make it look brand new cost 45g's the original price was 120g's pluss it has a base score 4.2 which is epic
Title: Re: hp laptop beyond good processor 2.40 ghz 4gb 320 hard drive amd processor Post by: seedaw on November 01, 2011, 08:29:07 AM what model number ?
Title: Re: hp laptop beyond good processor 2.40 ghz 4gb 320 hard drive amd processor Post by: watson on November 01, 2011, 03:13:05 PM G62