Title: 1990 GT starlet scraping... entire vehicle sold Post by: Daddy Pooch on April 08, 2015, 12:41:08 PM :sold:
>Complete original 4E turbo engine, ecu and wiring 70k >5 speed 4E/5E gear box 40k >Gear box accessories (clutch, pressure plate, shifter, master cylinder and slave cylinder) 20k >Powered doors 10k each (with panel and buttons) >Powered mirrors 3500 each >Complete Disc back end 25k >trunk with spoiler and garnish light 14k >Complete body kit 25k lots of other parts available including the body with papers, interior parts and other miscellaneous parts. call: digi 4408507 all prices are negotiable Title: Re: 1990 GT starlet scraping... lots of parts available Post by: Daddy Pooch on April 15, 2015, 08:38:57 PM :Bump: