Title: **NEW! HIV RAPID HOME TEST KIT SOLD BY THE PAIR $1600** Post by: kate on December 15, 2014, 11:16:14 PM These kits are pretty easy to use. And are very accurate with instrutions on the back.
Please note: ANY KIT THAT COMES BACK INVALID, I WILL REPLACE IT FREE OF COST UPON PROOF OF THE INVALID KIT. AVAILABLE IN KINGSTON, MONTEGO BAY, PORTMORE, MANDEVILLE AND ST. CATHERINE. SHIPPING TO YOUR HOME IS ALSO POSSIBLE. 100% TRUSTWORTHY! **** UNLIMITED SUPPLY AVAILABLE**** What you get: A pair of kits needle alcohol pad buffer soultion and piplet. Call, text, or whatsapp for more info: 882-9410. ****CONFIDENTIALITY IS OUR PRIORITY***** [attachment deleted by admin] |