Title: New Akai MPK49 Keyboard - Midi, MPC Drum Pads, MPC Control Post by: dujucell on December 06, 2014, 11:06:47 AM Pictures, Specs and Features - Visit Here: MPK49 : Akai Professional - Iconic music production gear, including the legendary MPC (http://www.akaipro.com/product/mpk49#specs) MPK49 : Akai Professional - Iconic music production gear, including the legendary MPC (http://www.akaipro.com/product/mpk49#features)
49-key, semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch and full-sized keys 8 full-sized, 360 degree rotation pots, each with 3 banks for 24 pots total 12 genuine MPC pads with velocity and pressure sensitivity 8 full-sized sliders with 3 controller banks for each for 24 sliders total MPC note repeat and all-new arpeggiator 8 assignable backlit switches with 3 controller banks each for 24 switches total MMC/MIDI Start Stop transport buttons Large, easy-to-read custom LCD display $35000 or nearest offer Call 376-7854 |