Title: Factory Stereo Lens Repair! Post by: Scoundrel on November 15, 2014, 12:03:28 PM I have a 2007 Toyota Camry LE. The factory stereo doesn't play CDs and gives and "ERROR 1" reading when a disc is loaded. I'm trying to find a Technician that could clean the lens physically or take apart the system and replace the lens, if that's possible.
I prefer to keep my stock radio as it integrates the steering wheel functions and offers everything except for SD/USB play back, which it can actually facilitate by the AUX port in the console but with the downside of this not being operable through the head unit itself, only through like a Smartphone or some other USB connected device. Can anyone recommend a device locally that can integrate with the factory system directly? Does anyone know if an aftermarket stereo could be installed directly through the factory stereo in the event that my radio lens cannot be repaired or replaced? My tele is 843-3792, I have no problem paying for a solution! |