Title: K20A3 CYLINDER HEAD WITH COMPONENTS CHEEEAAAPPP!!!! Post by: biter1 on November 04, 2014, 10:27:00 PM ONLY ASKING 25K....CALL 532-9760
Title: Re: K20A3 CYLINDER HEAD WITH COMPONENTS CHEEEAAAPPP!!!! Post by: Snyper on November 09, 2014, 12:33:57 AM Post photos so that it sells faster.
Title: Re: K20A3 CYLINDER HEAD WITH COMPONENTS CHEEEAAAPPP!!!! Post by: biter1 on November 10, 2014, 09:27:58 PM :sh:
ONLY ASKING 25K....CALL 532-9760 Title: Re: K20A3 CYLINDER HEAD WITH COMPONENTS CHEEEAAAPPP!!!! Post by: biter1 on November 30, 2014, 08:29:01 PM :Bump: :Bump:..HOLDING UP SPACE PPL
+++ Post photos so that it sells faster. ..GOOD IDEA...BUT I'M THINKING ITS JUST A ENGINE BRUH..Title: Re: K20A3 CYLINDER HEAD WITH COMPONENTS CHEEEAAAPPP!!!! Post by: Snyper on November 30, 2014, 09:39:19 PM I've seen engines in awful condition, so I'd suggest you post photos just the same to capture your audience.
We know what a K20A3 head looks like, but just having your post without photos, is just another thread to glance over. You need to differentiate yourself from the others. Title: Re: K20A3 CYLINDER HEAD WITH COMPONENTS CHEEEAAAPPP!!!! Post by: biter1 on December 04, 2014, 09:34:15 PM word!!..respect ute!!