ShopinJA Classifieds

$ ShopinJA Electronics $ => Cellular Repair/Unlocking/General Services => Topic started by: Grenadex on August 12, 2014, 02:59:25 AM

Title: UNLOCKING ALL IPHONE 4S/5/5s/5c ios7.1.2
Post by: Grenadex on August 12, 2014, 02:59:25 AM
Currently Unlocking all Iphone 4s/5/5s/5c on IOS 7.1.2 also IOS 8 beta 3

RSIM UNLOCKING IS 100% stable and effective for all networks, you can also update your phone freely!

I am able to sell you the rsim only, rsim with installation, rsim at wholesale price.

Whole sale price:
rsim 9pro 10 for $13,500, 5 for $7000
rsim air 10 for $14,000, 5 for $7000

UNLOCKING ALL IPHONE 4S/5/5s/5c, Full Call/text/3g/Internet/Service codes *120#

All iphone 4s $4000,   iphone 4s (sprint/verizon) $4500
All iphone 5 $4500,   iphone 5 (sprint) $5000

All iphone 5s/5c $5500, iphone 5s/5c (sprint) $6500

Contact: 423-9121 (call/text/whatsapp)

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Title: Re: UNLOCKING ALL IPHONE 4S/5/5s/5c ios7.1.2
Post by: Grenadex on August 20, 2014, 02:47:31 AM