Title: Organo Gold Black Coffee $2,250/box Weekend Sale! Post by: Exusia7 on July 03, 2014, 02:39:55 PM NO good thing sits around forever. This kind of coffee is undoubtedly among the best. :cof:
With each box containing 30 sachets, I am selling individual boxes for $2,250. Only this variety/flavour available! THIS WEEKEND ONLY! A purchase of 10 or more Boxes - $2,000 each! Additionally, anyone who buys in bulk from me will get even better prices for their second order (as long as I can get some more)! :cr: Clearly, there's no reason to delay. Call 466-5161 before your competitors do. You dont wanna end up like this guy > :wb: [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Organo Gold Black Coffee $2,250/box Weekend Sale! Post by: Exusia7 on July 05, 2014, 10:15:17 AM :Bump: