Title: GODIAG M8 PROFESSIONAL AUTO SCANNER Post by: salesxout on June 19, 2014, 04:10:42 PM FOR SALE
GODIAG M8 PROFESSIONAL AUTO SCANNER SELLING THE GODIAG UNIT WITH ITS INSTALATION CD AND USB CABLE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL GIVE AWAY PRICE $ 13,000 CALL 536-6423 Read and Display the data for different car makes components, like Engine, ECT, Multi-Mode M/T, Cruise Control, ABS/VSC/TRS, Immobilizer, SRS Airbag, Body and Power Source Control. PGMFI, AT, SRS, DBW(NSX), IMMOBI, ABS TCS VSA, 4WS, ATTS, EPS, IMA, VIM4, DIESEL, BRAKE , etc 2. Diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)—operates with manufacturers diagnostic trouble codes (DTC, also known as fault code) providing full accurate diagnosis. 3. Coding, programming and immobilizer [attachment deleted by admin] |