Title: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: Jahrain on May 12, 2014, 09:06:03 PM As topic states...
WTB Subaru Legacy.....preferably 06-08....Linkup!!!! Title: Re: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: rick ed on May 12, 2014, 11:11:14 PM have one 2008 blak legacy stw
std 6 fwd 5203874 for viewing if yuh serious Title: Re: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: chrisssoick on May 13, 2014, 02:45:44 AM got a 08 one automatic clean call 3340658
Title: Re: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: Jahrain on May 13, 2014, 07:38:36 PM got a 08 one automatic clean call 3340658 Is this the same car with extremely low mileage (approximately 30 sumting KM's) ???? :-X The person I communicated with advised that she was unwilling to accept anything less than $1.53M..... :wak: :wak: have one 2008 blak legacy stw std 6 fwd 5203874 for viewing if yuh serious Not really a fan of the Leggie Stn Waggon.....but may reconsider. Please send pics and mileage to kevsal_19@hotmail.com....Thx. Title: Re: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: prince7 on May 13, 2014, 07:50:29 PM I HAV A 2005 TURBO AUTOMATIC WELL CLEAN
895-0362 OR 343-1759 Title: Re: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: Jahrain on May 13, 2014, 08:24:48 PM Sorry prince7......need something younger with low mileage.
Appreciate the responses.....keep them coming. :b: Title: Re: WTB Subaru Legacy...preferably 06-08....budget $1.5M Post by: chrisssoick on May 14, 2014, 03:39:37 AM no its not i will take 1.5 for mine best price link 3340658
+++ call me at 3340658 if u intrested [attachment deleted by admin] |