Title: Toshiba Satellite TruBrite 15.6-Inch Laptop $50,000 Post by: Damion2008 on July 07, 2011, 05:35:19 PM Selling a Toshiba Satellite L655-S5065 TruBrite 15.6-Inch laptop for only $50,000. It comes with the CD's and charger and features:
* 2.26 GHz Intel Pentium dual-core processor * 3 GB DDR3 memory * 320 GB SATA hard drive, DVD SuperMulti drive supporting 11 formats * 15.6-inch widescreen HD TruBrite LED-Backlit display, Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M * Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 4 hours of battery life * 64 bit system If interested call me at 304-9395 for further details. |